The Catalan footprint // Sponsors


This project has been possible thanks to the kind donations from:

Victoria Multicultural Commission

Spain Cultural Cooperation Program from ANU and the Cultural Ministry of Spain

Mrs Josee Canals

Hon Warwick Parer
Miss Joanne Tapiolas

Fonda Cal Marxandó

Consulate of Spain in Melbourne

Valgreen Music

Ms Julie Canals
Mr & Mrs M. Canals
Mr & Mrs P. Diaz

Rosemary & Netta Kelly
Mr & Mrs J. Deveraux

Dr J. Xipell
Mrs Margaret Dempster
Mrs Pam Easton
Mr Martin Fletcher
Mr & Mrs P. Garriga
Mr & Mrs T. Galimany
Mrs Michelle Kelly
Mr & Mrs F. Mason
Dr Kevin Parer
Ms Joan Power
Mr & Mrs S. Richardson (In memory of Lola Sans)
Mr & Mrs A. Rovira
Spring Bay Mussels
Mr John Sullivan
Mrs Valerie Valls

Mr & Mrs Gallard

Mr & Mrs G. Campbell

This project is run by volunteers and we would like to acknowledge their amazing work. Every little helps. Please make your kind donations to:

          Myriades Associacio Cultural


          SWIFT code: OPENESMM

          IBAN: ES2400730100510492381874

Thanks for your cooperation!